Middle School Athletics

A quality school program requires the three As: academics, arts and athletics. Participation on a West Middle School athletic team allows students to develop leadership skills, the importance of working as a team and a competitive spirit, all which carry over into the classroom. Athletics enhance the overall school spirit and provide an opportunity for students to make a greater contribution to the school and to their education.


Chris Bisanz
Athletics Coordinator

Visit the Wayzata High School Athletics website for information on high school sports and registration. Middle school 7th and 8th grade students may be eligible to participate in the following:

Fall Athletics

  • Girls' Cross Country
  • Boys' Cross Country
  • Girls' Swimming & Diving
  • Girls' Tennis
  • Girls' Volleyball
  • 6th Grade Track Meet

Winter Athletics

  • Girls' Basketball
  • Girls' Gymnastics
  • Nordic Skiing
  • Boys' Swimming & Diving
  • Boys' Basketball (Winter II)
  • Wrestling

Spring Athletics

  • Girls' Synchronized Swim
  • Boys' and Girls' Adapted Bowling
  • Boys' and Girls' Adapted Softball
  • Boys' Tennis

Athletics by Season