Dance Information
General WHS Dance Information
On-Site Dances
All tickets will be pre-sold using Vanco and are not available at the door.
On-site dances are held in Wayzata Cafés. We are not responsible for purses, cameras, keys, cell phones, etc. When you are at a wedding reception or a club, there is not a service that watches your personal items while you dance and mingle. We operate the same way. Students are responsible for keeping track of their personal items.
Off-Site Dances — Prom
The prom is for WHS juniors and seniors and their guests. All tickets are pre-sold and not available at the door. Ticket sales end one week prior to the date of the dance. This is necessary because the facilities that can accommodate our size needs require us to spend a certain amount on food. Numbers must be in the week before so that the facility can place orders.
There is more expense involved in an off-site dance due to requirements of the individual facility we are renting. There is typically a required amount which must be spent on food depending on the number of students that attend.
The price of the ticket for Prom includes an hors d'oeuvres buffet and coat check.
Ticket Pricing
We do not give a break for tickets bought for a "couple" because it is not the expectation that a student have to have a date in order to attend a dance. There are many students that do buy tickets for themselves and a date, but it is not necessarily the majority. Many students come in groups and just have fun spending an evening together. We typically have over 1,000 students attend our dances.
Non WHS Student Guest
Guests may be non-WHS students who are at least a sophomore and no more than one year out of high school. Please complete the guest form and submit by the date indicated on the form. Failure to do so will result in the guest ticket being voided.
Arriving at a Dance
Students will need to bring a student ID to the dance (any Wayzata ID will work) and have access to the QR code that is their ticket (they can either print the QR code or we can scan their phone). QR codes can only be scanned once or they will be invalid.
Random Breathalyzers
The chemical health coordinator and/or our administrators will give random breathalyzers at every WHS dance. In additions, bags and purses are subject to search.
Definition of Semi-Formal
We label a dance as being semi-formal so that students do not make it "another prom". At the same time, it is not a place to show up in ripped jeans and a t-shirt and while students are not required to wear a suit or shirt/tie or a floor length dress, they should dress as they would for a special occasion.