Wayzata High School

Course Registration

We offer diverse, challenging learning opportunities to help you plan a high school program that meets your needs. The Course Catalog is here to guide your class selections for next year.

Tips for Success:

  • Discuss plans with parents/guardians, counselors, and teachers for valuable input.
  • Choose courses that meet graduation requirements and align with your goals.
  • Explore classes that match your interests and build personal skills.
  • Use school resources to create a well-rounded educational plan.

Schedule Questions?
Book an appointment via the student support scheduler or with your floor’s administrative professional.

Academic Study Block

Students, please follow these steps if you have requested an Academic Study Block:

  1. Complete the Wayzata High School Academic Study Block Application. This automatically sends an email to your parent/guardian with a permission and release of liability form.
  2. Have your parent/guardian check their email to complete the Academic Study Block Permission Form and Release of Liability. This automatically sends an email to your Associate Principal for approval.
  3. Your Associate Principal will review and approve/deny your request. Your schedule will then be updated in Skyward.