Wayzata High School

Career & Tech Education (CTE)

Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses teach academic content as well as the knowledge and skills required to be successful in today's workforce. Wayzata High School offers over 70 CTE courses. The courses provide hands-on learning, potential college credit, job skills, technical skills, and certifications. 

Career Sphere Catalog 2025-2026

Career Spheres 

  • Business & Entrepreneurship
  • Computer Science & Information Technology 
  • Construction & Manufacturing
  • Culinary Arts & Food Systems
  • Education & Human Services
  • Engineering, Architecture & Design
  • Finance & Accounting 
  • Graphics & Digital Design 
  • Health Science
  • Marketing
  • Power Equipment & Aviation

CTE Internship/Apprenticeship (Course #9981)

This capstone course is for junior and senior student in CTE programs who are looking to further their education and skills. Students will gain valuable work experience with a local company after they complete an in-person employability training. This is a perfect opportunity for self-sufficient students who want to participate in a hands-on career experience. 

Internship/apprenticeship placements are currently offered in the following areas: manufacturing, construction, information technology, health science, early childhood education and engineering.

  • Students must apply to the program, interview with prospective companies and provide their own transportation.
  • Students who are accepted into this program will have a release within their school day to participate in their internship.

Local companies that are interested in hosting students in an internship experience are invited to contact Interim CTE coordinator, Scott Tordeur at scott.tordeur@wayzataschools.org.

College Credit in CTE 

Students have an opportunity to earn college credits in several CTE courses. Many courses offer concurrent enrollment, which allows students who successfully complete the course to generate transcipted college cerdits from the partnering postsecondary institution. Learn more about Concurrent Enrollment on the Minnesota Department of Education website.

College Credit Opportunities in CTE Elective Courses


Scott Tordeur
Career and Tech Ed/Business Partnerships & Mentoring Coordinator, Compass Program Coordinator, Compass Graphic Communications Instructor
Email Scott Tordeur

Dawn Johnson
Career and Tech Ed Teaching & Learning Resource Teacher, Compass Graphic Communications Instructor, English Teacher
Email Dawn Johnson

Paul Kimbler
Career and Tech Ed Department Chair
Email Paul Kimbler

Deb Musser
College and Career Center Coordinator
Email Deb Musser

CTE Showcase at Wayzata High School

The annual CTE Showcase exposes students to a variety of educational and vocational opportunities in Career and Technical Education. Each spring, more than 85 local businesses and colleges gather at the day-long event to share information about the CTE field with Wayzata High School students.

Showcase exhibitor have the opportunity to connect with teachers and students about meaningful and in-demand career choices. Businesses and organizations who are interested in participating are encouraged to complete the CTE Showcase Interest Form




CTE Related Programs