Middle School Athletics
Athletic Coordinator
Marc DeVoe
- Girls' Tennis
- Girls' Volleyball
- 7th & 8th Girls Swimming
- 7th & 8th Boys and Girls Cross Country Running
Girls' Tennis
The Girls Tennis season will begin on Thursday, September 5th 2024. All 7th & 8th grade girls are welcome to join, no experience necessary. Registration is now open and found here on ePay.
The season will run 8 weeks and last until Wednesday, October 23rd. Practice will be held everyday after school from 4:20-5:30 p.m. at East on the outdoor tennis courts (unless there is a match). A link to the match schedule can be found here www.classicmsjh.org. Before the first match each team member will be given a uniform top to wear for each match, and must return it at the end of the season.
For practice, girls will need to come ready to play each day. They should be dressed in athletic clothing, bring a racket, have proper footwear, a water bottle, and any necessary outdoor apparel for cooler weather. It is important to have clothing which provides pockets/storage for extra tennis balls.
Late buses will be available Monday through Thursday. They will leave East at 5:40 p.m. and girls should ride either the late bus or be picked up promptly after practice (Please plan accordingly).
If you have any sport specific questions please contact the coach. If you have any registration questions please contact the athletic coordinator.
Marc DeVoe
Girls' Volleyball
The Girls Volleyball season will begin on Thursday, September 5th 2024. All 7th & 8th grade girls are welcome to join, no experience necessary. Registration is now open and found here on ePay.
The season will run 8 weeks and last until Wednesday, October 23rd. Practice will be held everyday after school from 4:20-5:30pm at East in the large gym (unless there is a match). A link to the match schedule can be found here www.classicmsjh.org. Before the first match each girl will be given a uniform top to wear for each match, and must return it at the end of the season.
For practice, girls will need to come ready to play each day. They should be dressed in athletic clothing and have a water bottle. Also, make sure to bring any additional equipment such as knee pads or arm sleeves.
Late buses will be available Monday through Thursday. They will leave East at 5:40 p.m. and girls should ride either the late bus or be picked up promptly after practice (Please plan accordingly).
If you have any sport specific questions please contact the coaches. If you have any registration questions please contact the athletic coordinator.
Matt Rohweder - 8th Grade
Nicole Johnson - 7th Grade
7th & 8th Girls Swimming
Sign up and registration is completed through Wayzata High School but for your convenience we have it linked through the East Middle School ePay website (Registration = Wayzata East ePay). Girls swimming begins on Monday, August 12, 2024 and athletes must be fully registered by start date.
Find more sport specific information on the High School Team Packet website TEAM PACKETS
7th & 8th Boys and Girls Cross Country Running
Sign up and registration is completed through Wayzata High School but for your convenience it is linked through the East Middle School ePay website (Registration = Wayzata East ePay). Cross country running begins on Monday, August 12, 2024 and athletes must be fully registered by start date.
Find more sport specific information on the High School Team Packet website TEAM PACKETS
Girls' Basketball
The girls basketball season will start Monday October 28th and run through Wednesday, December 18th.
All 7th & 8th grade girls are welcome to join, no experience necessary. All girls will be placed on a team, and no one will be cut. In practices, girls will usually be grouped by similar levels of playing ability and experience. In games, girls will be placed on a team best suited for their ability level.
Most practices will focus on skill development, game-like situations, and structured game play. Games will be played against local schools nearby (Wayzata Central, Wayzata West, Hopkins, St. Louis Park, and Robbinsdale area schools).
Practices will be held Monday-Friday (unless there is a game) and a late bus will be available Monday-Thursday. Please arrange transportation home on Fridays as there is NO late bus.
Registration & payment can be submitted on ePay.
Justin Jones
Joe Hannon
Boys' Basketball
The boys basketball season will start Monday January 6th 2025 and run through Wednesday, February 26th 2025.
All 7th & 8th grade boys are welcome to join, no experience necessary. All players will be placed on a team and no one will be cut. Players will be grouped by grade levels and evaluated at practices during the first week. Players will be grouped into A and B teams based on skill levels demonstrated during the first week of the season.
Practices are held Monday-Friday (unless there is a game) with a late bus available Monday-Thursday. Make sure transportation home on Fridays is arranged as there is NO late bus on Fridays. Practices will focus on personal skill development, game-like situations, and structured game play.
The season will have around 10 games which will be played against other Wayzata Middle Schools, Hopkins, St. Louis Park, and/or Robbinsdale area schools. View the game schedule for complete information. (www.classicmsjh.org)
Registration and payment can be submitted on ePay.
Marc DeVoe
Justin Jones
Joe Hannon
The wrestling season will start Monday October 28th and run through Thursday, December 19th.
All East middle school students are welcome to join (grades 6-8), no experience necessary. All participants will be grouped accordingly to size, experience, and skill level.
Most practices will focus on skill development and techniques. There will be approximately 6-7 meets throughout the season, and they will be held at various schools around the West metro (Wayzata, Minnetonka, Plymouth Middle, St. Louis Park, Hopkins, & Edina).
Practices will be held Monday-Friday during the season (unless there is a meet) and a late bus will be available Monday-Thursday. NO late bus on Friday's so please arrange for transportation home.
Curtis Miller
Wayzata Nordic Ski Team
7th and 8th grade Girls and Boys Nordic Ski Team
- Practice Starts Monday, November 11, 2024
- Sign up at http://wayzata.epaytrak.com/2022-2023-Co-Ed-Nordic-Skiing--P5644C330.aspx
- Practices are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday at CMS from 4:30-5:45 p.m.
- Students can catch the activity bus daily from East to Central at 4:10 p.m.
Please reach out to the following for questions:
Megan Bennett - murraybenn@gmail.com
Larry Myers - xcmyers@aol.com
Andrew Hansen (HS Head Coach) - andrew.hansen@wayzataschools.org
Boys' Tennis
Boys' Tennis starts March 24, 2025.
All 7th and 8th grade boys are welcome to join, no experience necessary! Practice runs Monday-Friday 4:20-5:30 p.m. with a late bus available M-Th. Please arrange transportation home on Fridays as there is NO late bus on Fridays.
All matches will be doubles matches, therefore practices will focus on doubles strategies, as well as practicing basic tennis fundamentals such as serving, returning, forehands, backhands, net play, footwork and other strategies.
In the event of bad weather, cancellations will be made anywhere from 2-3 p.m. the day of the match/practice.
Please bring your own racket each day.
Practices: Practices will be every day we don't have a match, starting around 4:20 p.m. and ending around 5:30 p.m. A typical practice will include announcements, warm-ups, skills and drills with small group instruction, large group play time and closing notes.
Matches: Please visit the Classic Middle School Conference website for locations and start times as they do vary depending on the opponent and location. Matches will start anywhere from 3:45-4:20 p.m. Check the schedule for all times. Dates are subject to change; coaches will notify players. It is recommended for parents to subscribe to email alerts on the Classic Middle School Conference website.
Lynnea Allen
Boys' Track & Field
Boys' Track & Field starts March 24, 2025. Register by clicking the large gold button above.
All 7th and 8th grade boys are welcome to join, no experience necessary! Practice will be held at East Middle School Monday-Friday 4:20-5:30 p.m. with a late bus available M-Th. Please make sure transportation on Fridays is arranged prior to the start of practice because the late bus does NOT run on Fridays.
Occasionally practice will be at Central Middle School to be able to practice on an official track. Some more specific information about practices is listed below.
Practice Information:
- Practice is held everyday Monday-Friday.
- Students should attend Friday’s practice, but need transportation home as there is NOT a late bus on Friday.
- Students with unexcused absences or poor attendance will not participate in the upcoming meet.
- Students should always have warm clothing and a water bottle for practice and meets.
- Students should lock valuables in their PE locker within the locker room during practice.
- Once outside, students are not allowed back in the building except for emergencies.
Track Meet Information:
- Bus transportation will be provided from East to each meet, and also the bus will return to East (time varies).
- There are three levels of competition: A, B, and Exhibition.
- Students are placed on teams based on the results from previous meets, handling all classroom responsibilities, and effort during practices.
- Athletes should always have warm clothing handy. Time between events can be lengthy, warm clothing will keep athletes ready.
- Athletes are encouraged, but not required, to stay for the entire meet.
- If an athlete has finished competing in their events, they are allowed to leave. However, please check out with a coach when leaving a meet.
- Athletes will be able to compete in up to 4 of the events listed below.
- 100 Meter Hurdles
- 1600 Meter
- 100 Meter
- 4x200 Meter Relay
- 400 Meter
- 4x100 Meter Relay
- 800 Meter
- 200 Meter
- Short Sprint Medley Relay (100x100x200x400)
- Shot Put
- Discus
- Long Jump
- High Jump
Girls' Track & Field
Girls' Track & Field starts March 24, 2025.
All 7th and 8th grade boys are welcome to join, no experience necessary! Practice runs Monday-Friday 4:20-5:30 p.m. with a late bus available M-Th. Please arrange transportation home on Fridays as there is NO late bus on Fridays.
Students will be able to compete in 1, 2, 3 or 4 of the following events:
- 100 Meter Hurdles
- 1600 Meter
- 100 Meter
- 4x200 Meter Relay
- 400 Meter
- 4x100 Meter Relay
- 800 Meter
- 200 Meter
- Short Sprint Medley Relay (100x100x200x400)
- Shot Put
- Discus
- Long Jump
- High Jump