Wayzata Early Learning School


Connect at 3 logo: meet, share, prepare

We're excited to connect with you and your 3-year-old!

You and your child are an important part of our Wayzata Public Schools community. Through Connect at 3, our early childhood specialists will get to know you and your child, and share tips and resources which can support the learning and development needs of your child. 

Connect at 3 is a way to make sure you're getting the support you need from the time your child turns three until they start kindergarten. Here's how it works: 

  • You sign up to receive Connect at 3 emails.
  • We send you information about:
    • fun social and learning events for you and your child
    • how 3- and 4-year olds learn and develop
    • how to sign up for a free early childhood screening/developmental assesssment 
    • opportunities to share feedback 

Together we'll listen to, learn from, and support the needs of our children.


Call the Wayzata Early Learning School office for more information about Connect at 3 or Early Childhood Screening.
