Wayzata Public Schools

Referendum 2014

Download a printable PDF Referendum Fact Sheet.

Questions? Email referendum@wayzata.k12.mn.us, leave a message on the referendum hotline at 763-745-5050 or watch the Referendum Information Session which was held on Wednesday, January 22, 6:30 p.m., at Wayzata High School, 4955 Peony Lane, Plymouth.

The Wayzata School Board voted unanimously to place two school funding questions before voters at a special election on February 25, 2014. The referendum is in response to unprecedented growth from new housing developments, increasingly larger classes moving from the middle schools to Wayzata High School and the recent addition of state-funded, all-day Kindergarten beginning in the fall of 2014 that are impacting district facility needs.

  • Question one: Request to approve $109.645 million in bond funding to expand Wayzata High School, build a new elementary school and upgrade safety, security and technology districtwide.
  • Question two: Request to renew the existing technology levy, which funds technology equipment, support and training districtwide with approximately $2.7 million annually.

If voters approve the ballot questions, the tax impact on the average Wayzata homeowner ($333,900 value home) would be approximately $10/month for the bond issue. There would be no tax increase for the technology levy renewal.

Wayzata Public Schools Resident Student Population is Growing... More Capacity is Needed

The demand to attend Wayzata Public Schools has never been greater. The district's K-12 resident student enrollment is anticipated to increase twice as fast in the next 10 years as it has in the past decade. This growth and need for more capacity is due to:

  • More births and students moving into the district
  • More housing — 1,200 new homes have been built in the district over the past four years and at least another 1,600 new homes are expected to be built in the next four years within the district boundaries, primarily in the cities of Plymouth, Corcoran, Maple Grove and Medina
  • More students already in our schools — most district schools are already at capacity, including the high school, and incoming classes from the district's three middle schools are 50-100 students larger than past classes
  • Updated enrollment projections indicate that Wayzata High School is projected to grow by as many as 900 students in the next 10 years
  • The State's recent decision to fund all-day Kindergarten will create the need for 14-16 additional elementary classrooms
  • Wayzata Public Schools has been closed to open enrollment for the past two years to focus on meeting the needs of a growing resident student population

Wayzata High School Enrollment Projections

Wayzata K-12 Enrollment Projections

New Pressures Impact Comprehensive District Facility Plan

The School Board began a comprehensive facilities planning process in 2010 with a 3-phase approach. Higher than expected enrollment projections and the state's recent decision to fund all-day Kindergarten starting in 2014 added new pressures to the planning process already underway.

School Board Actions to Address Growth

Wayzata School Board Approves February 2014 Ballot Questions to Address Enrollment Growth, 10-15-13

Student Growth Press Release, 8-15-13

Rapid Enrollment Growth Results in Proposal to Expand Wayzata High School and Build a New Elementary School Press Release, 9-10-13