Ten Wayzata High School students were recently honored for their exceptional technology skills, interests and aspirations. The Minnesota Aspirations in Computing Program (MNAiC) selects nominees from high schools throughout Minnesota. This year the national and state review teams gave awards to 73 Minnesota students; 10 of them attend Wayzata High School. Read more about each honoree here.
Laasya Aki (‘24) - National Honorable Mention
Jasmitha Allu (‘24) - National Honorable Mention
Manasi Alegaonkar (‘25) - State Winner
Diya Menon (‘24) - State Winner
Neha Nandhakumar (‘25) - State Winner
Grace Li (‘25) - State Honorable Mention
Tvisha Talwar (‘26) - State Honorable Mention
Bhama Binu (‘25) - Rising Star Honoree
Aaratrika Mondal (‘26) - Rising Star Honoree
Sieun Sung (‘25) - Rising Star Honoree