Wayzata Public Schools is committed to the well-being and safety of all of our students. As you may know, recent federal actions have raised the possibility of deportation efforts.
Emergency Contacts:
Be sure your emergency contacts are up-to-date in Skyward Family Access. Here are instructions for updating contact information.
Note: As part of the Family Educational Rights Privacy Act (FERPA,) we are not permitted to share private data without lawfully issued subpoena or court order. If one is presented to WPS, FERPA requires schools to notify parents before complying with the warrant.
Family Plan:
Discuss your emergency contacts and plan as a family. Consider including in your family plan ways to communicate if you are separated and access to necessary medications. Examples of Family Plans:
- Personal and family preparedness | Minnesota Department of Public Safety
- Make a Plan Form | Ready.gov
Important Documents:
Keep copies of important documents accessible and safe. These include birth certificates, passports, medical records, etc. Another document that can be considered is a Delegation of Parental Authority (DOPA). This document, once signed and notarized, allows another adult to take care of your child if you are unable to do so. The DOPA is specific to each child, effective for one year and does not override your parental rights.
Community Resources:
Wayzata Public Schools cannot provide legal advice. However, there are many local community resources available to families. Below is a list of some local resources:
- Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota — Know Your Rights
- Minnesota Welcome Center
- Immigrant & Refugee Affairs - City of Minneapolis
- Southern Minnesota Regional Legal Services
- We Have Rights | American Civil Liberties Union
We are sharing these resources for informational purposes only and do not endorse any organization's point of view.
As noted above, we cannot provide legal guidance but continue to be available to support the well-being of students. Counselors, social workers and administrators are available to students in need.