Man and boy sledding in the snow

2024-25 Winter/Spring Catalog

Our winter/spring catalog is live online! Explore the hundreds of class options available.

View the catalog

About Us

We’ve been part of the Wayzata Public Schools since 1980. Learn more about what Community Ed is all about!

Early Learners

Our youngest families love our preschool and childcare options, family education opportunities, and early childhood screening and special education services!

Wayzata Kids

Learn more and register for our before and after school childcare, full-day preschool, and non-school day programs!


Adults of all ages enroll in our programs so they can keep learning and stay connected with other community members!


Our school buildings, grounds and athletic venues are wonderful community gathering spots. When not being used for school-related activities, you can rent them!


This is your one-stop spot to register for all early learner, youth and adult programs and reserve district facilities!



    Youth Service

    Hands reaching out to one another graphic
    Over 1,000 high school students perform 12,000 community volunteer service hours every year via Club Y.E.S.

    Youth Enrichment

    We offer more than 450 fun, engaging learning opportunities serving 2,600 K-5 students every year.

    Adult Opportunities

    Adults enroll in more than 300 learning adventures every year and share their talents by volunteering.

    Incredible Staff

    We employ more than 200 people with an incredible array of talents and expertise to help us deliver a wide spectrum of awesome opportunities to our community of learners.