
Wayzata High School Varsity Wrestling

2024-2025 Varsity Wrestling

Wayzata High School JV Wrestling

2024-2025 JV Wrestling

Wayzata High School 9th Grade Wrestling

2024-2025 9th Grade Wrestling

Description of sport: Competitive wrestling consisting of a varsity, JV, and ninth grade team.

Season commitment: Practice begins November 18, 2024 and ends mid to late February. Practice five to six days per week with one to three meets per week and some Saturday tournaments.

Eligibility requirements: Students in grades 9-12 who meet the MSHSL and Wayzata Public Schools' Eligibility Requirements. 

Tryouts/Cuts: Yes

Costs and/or needed equipment: Participation fee.

Head Coach

Eric Swensen

Assistant Coaches

Dave Droegemueller, Varsity Assistant
Andrew Romanchek, Varsity Assistant
Rudy Galarza, Varsity Assistant
Tyler Engler, JV
Jarad Watts, JV