Alpine Ski

Wayzata High School Alpine Ski team.

2024-2025 Alpine Skiing

Where to go for more information: Activities Office. Alpine Google Site.

Description of sport: Competitive alpine ski racing consisting of a varsity and JV. Approximately 12 boys and 12 girls on the varsity. JV spots open until the total team roster reaches 55 athletes. 

Season commitment: Season begins November 11, 2024 and ends mid-February. Practices and competitions are held four to five days per week with one or two meets per week.

Eligibility requirements: Students in grades 9-12 who meet the MSHSL and Wayzata Public Schools' Eligibility Requirements.

Costs and/or needed equipment: Participation fee, ski equipment, lift pass must be purchased separately, and ski helmet. 

Tryouts/Cuts: Yes, if needed. 

Additional information: Compatible with those on USSS. See head coach for practice requirements.

Team Packet

Head Coach

Mike Dzubay

Student-Athlete's will need to purchase their ski lift pass separately. The participation fee will not cover this fee.

Lift Pass Purchase