Bowling, Adapted
Description of sport: Wayzata participates in a cooperative with Minnetonka Schools. One indoor sport is offered each season: fall-soccer, winter-floor hockey, and spring-softball and bowling.
Divisions: Athletes compete in either the PI or CI division, as appropriate for their ability level.
Where to go for more information: Activities Office.
Practice and/or meeting site: To be determined. May be outside Wayzata Public Schools. Transportation to the site is provided for after school practices.
Competitions: Teams participate in league games with the opportunity to advance through the tournaments from the district to state level. Matches are held Saturday mornings at Country Club Lanes from early March through early May.
Eligibility requirements: Meet MSHSL, MAAA and Wayzata Public Schools eligibility requirements. Must be enrolled in grades 7- 12 at WHS.
Costs and/or needed equipment: Participation fee.
Awards criteria and type of awards: May letter after participation in three seasons. Additional awards determined by the coaches.
Adapted Athletics Coordinator
Kayla Ward
Head Coach
Co-Head Coaches:
Jesse Nelson - jesse.nelson@
Mary Schafer - mary.schafer@