Student Council

Description of activity: The student council acts as a liaison between the student body, the administration and the school board. The student council is involved in the Hennepin Division of Student Councils and the Minnesota Association of Student Councils.

Where to go for more information: B207

Length of season: Members of the Senate are elected by members of their grade level and serve for one school year. Members of the House can join at the beginning of the school year, provided they meet the work on requirements.

Meeting times: The Senate meets during the school day and rotate through the schedule. The House and Senate meet before school (7:45 a.m. sharp) once or twice a month to plan activities.

Meeting site: Auditorium.

Eligibility requirements: There are two ways a student may become a member of the student council. To be an elected voting member, candidates must participate in the spring election and be voted in by members of their class. To be a non-voting, work-on member, interested students must pick up an application at the start of the school year and complete 10 hours of student council activities by the end of Homecoming Week. Transfer students who were active in student council in their previous school become members upon the recommendation of their former advisor. All student council members must adhere to legal statutes, school policies and the WHS Student Council Constitution. Students must meet the Wayzata Public Schools Extra-Curricular Eligibility Requirements.

Average number of members: The senior class elects 10 members to the Senate. The junior class elects eight members, the sophomore and freshman class each elect six members. In the event of a tie, both candidates will serve. In addition, the Senate may consist of appointed members. The House consists of unelected work-on members. The House consists of approximately 75-125 active members.

Student leadership: Once elected to the student council, members have the opportunity to act in a variety of leadership positions.


Amy Swenson, Advisor 

Sarah Lagerquist, Assistant Advisor

WHS Student Council

Student Senate Executive Board

Senior Class President - Markus Wessman

Senior Vice President - Peyton Moidl

Senior Secretary - Saanvi Byrapuneni

Senior PR - Souri Ahmed

Junior President - Scott Lasota

Junior Vice President - Rachel Yin

Junior Secretary - Elizabeth Fackert

Junior PR - Zaid Omer

Sophomore Representative - Abhay Punjabi

Freshman Representative - Addie Winans

Student Council Senate