
Description of activity: Students research, design, fabricate and test a robot that must meet the criteria established by the First Robotics competition.

Where to go for more information: Nira Rajan.

Length of season: September - First week of May.

Meeting times:

Pre-season: September - December twice a week. Mondays and Wednesdays after school.

Build Season: January - Early March. Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Additional days may be added if needed closer to Competition.

Meeting site: Wayzata High School.

Competitions: First Robotics Regional around March. Potentially a national Competition around April. State Competition - May. We also participate in Minnie Mini, a local Competition in October/November.

Eligibility requirements: Only for 10th-12th graders. Have to go through an application and interview process before the start of the school year. ONLY selected members from the application process will be able to join the club. Participation in Skills USA is highly recommended for underclassmen. Meet the Wayzata Public Schools and MSHSL Extra-Curricular Eligibility Requirements.

Average number of members: 25 members

Outreach: Every team member is required to help with outreach events throughout the school year.

Costs and/or needed equipment: Participation fee through Epay.

Awards criteria and type of awards: Competition team awards. Lettering requirements determined by advisors.