Link Crew

Description of activity: Link Crew is a freshmen and new student transition program led by juniors and seniors committed to helping students navigate high school life and beyond. The main goal of every Link Leader is to build authentic and supportive relationships with the students they work with.  Link Leaders build the foundation for these relationships during Orientation and continue to support the freshmen and new students through small and large group activities during OurTime.  Being a Link Leader gives students the opportunity to help make a big school feel small and have a lasting impact.

Where to go for more information: Academic Mentor office (3rd floor, outside, East side of Media Center).

Length of season: All year.

Meeting times: One-day summer training, Orientation, once a month during MyTime, Respect Retreat, and outside of school as scheduled by Link Crew coordinators.

Eligibility requirements: Must be a Junior or Senior and will be selected by an application process in the Spring. Chemically free. Meet the Wayzata Public Schools Extra-Curricular Eligibility Requirements.


Emily Haugh

Alyssa Honmyhr

Jen Landy