Club Unified Students

Club Unified Students Logo

Description of activity: Students that have an interest in developing meaningful relationships between students with and without disabilities, help spread acceptance and ensure everyone feels included and welcome in their school, along with having an interest in creating authentic inclusion activities inside and outside of school that change how students interact with one another on a daily basis.

Where to go for more information: C203.

Meeting times: All club information and events can be found on our Club US Canvas Page. You will be added to this page once you have registered through Epay.

Eligibility requirements: Open to all students, grades 9-12, who meet the Wayzata Public Schools Extra-Curricular Eligibility Requirements.

Costs and/or needed equipment: Participation fee is $55 to the WHS Activities Office.

Student leadership: All of the leadership positions will be filled together by a general education student and a special education student. President, Vice-President, Committee Chairs.

For more information about Club US please contact a member of the board.


Follow us on Instagram @WayzataClubUnified